Rumors and leaks have already said it, but now it is officially confirmed by the OnePlus CEO - there will be no OnePlus 8T Pro smartphone this year. Pete Lau revealed the info through his personal Weibo profile where he also shared details about the launch of the OnePlus 8T in China - it will take place on October 14 at 3PM local timeflagship-tier devices, or as he put it “Pro-level products”, should opt for the six-month-old OnePlus 8 Pro - the annual flagship of the company. The direction of the brand is to have only one top product per year rather than upgrading every six months.
However he said OnePlus fans have more to look forward to than just the vanilla 8T phone as there will be some surprises at the launch next month. Reports are the company will unveil new true wireless earphones, a smartwatch, and a new Nord for the US market.